Just learned there is a Fit Club in Lexington. EEEK! Part of me wants to go and participate. Get to know other coaches and try out other programs I'm not familiar with. Part of me wants to hide out at home and keep working out by myself.
I've never been one to really enjoy working out with others. I feel like everyone is watching me and looking at all my problem areas or waiting for me to fall so they can laugh. Is that what really happens in group settings? I doubt it. Is it a rational fear....well......
I'm gonna suck it up though and email some of the other coaches in my area and find out more about their schedules and what's going on. It might not be feasible to attend any of these fit clubs because of schedules but at least I'm taking the initiative to find out more info and try and get involved.
That's where it starts. Finding out the information and making a decision to do it. It's a process. Just because I'm a coach now doesn't mean that I'm in the best shape ever or that I wont make mistakes or heck still have some weight to lose it just means I have a passion for health. I hope if any of you out there feel stuck or scared that you will at least take that first step and see what happens.
I'm guessing if I do get to go to a fit club workout that I might actually enjoy myself and be glad that I went.
What are your fears about working out and how do you handle them?
I have to say that though it can be intimidating to go to a class for the first time, once you're in there, everyone is hurting just as badly as you are b/c you're working out (hopefully pretty intensely) and trying to focus on your form/reps, etc...Try starting in the back of class until you feel more comfortable. If I didn't go to classes with other people (with whom you usually form a friendship), I wouldn't work out a) as much, or b) as intensely. Those are my two cents anyway. =)