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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Simple things

Two weeks ago we had our family photo's done. We try and get our photo's done twice a year. That is just something that we do. We think it's a great thing to document where we are as a family and a wonderful to spend some time together. The best part of these little photo sessions is that we are totally ourselves. There is no posing or forced way to sit. We do what feels right for us. We move, we laugh, we just let things happen.  Marissa Noe Photography does an amazing job at capturing us being real people. I love it. (click the link to see the rest of our photos and leave a comment so we can get a free print!)

Something I've learned from getting photo's done twice a year is that it helps me to be kinder to myself. I think I'm my own worst critic. Even though I've lost 30lbs you can't really see in these photos. In fact my face looks rounder than the last time (it's amazing what a haircut will do for ya lol). Honestly though I don't mind seeing my round face because I'm happy. I'm enjoying life. I think sometimes I forget to have fun. There are always dishes to wash, laundry to fold, bills to pay, a workout to get in, a meal to cook. It's really easy to get lost in what has to be done and what things should be. Getting these pictures done remind me to be kinder to myself, to take time to slow down, and to appreicate what I have.

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