Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I think it's safe to finally say that we are officially a Vegetarian household. More than that we are a clean eating household. What does that mean? Well it means that we are only eating things that we can actually read the labels of and understand what they are. For example. The ice cream in our freezer right now says: cream, sugar, nonfat milk, cocoa. Thats it. There are no funky words that we can't say or don't even know what they mean. We are not only embracing not eating meat (we do eat eggs and have diary), but also choosing to eat things in the simplest form.

We aren't giving up flavor or anything. In fact if you've ever had greek yogurt you know that it's full of fat and all goodness but that it's really satisfying. Can you say that about low cal low fat stuff? nope. At first I thought I was going to gain weight because of this change but honestly because I feel more satisified with the food that we have I don't eat more at all in fact I'm eating less. Today's weigh in 168.5lbs. I'm sure if I could motivate myself to get back to working out that I would start losing more weight.

---on a different note, my regular computer died and that is why my posts are so few and far between, hopefully after income tax time I'll have my computer back and will be able to post more. I've actually got a lot of different health/fitness related things that I hope to talk about in the future so if you read my blog at all please be patient with me while I deal with tech issues ---

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